Tuesday 19 February 2008

Stroke Patients, get started....

Just read an interesting article saying how stroke patients should start rehabilitating just 24 hours after the stroke. Even by their own admissions, the doctors involved in the research are suprised this has never been tried before. I am not.

My mum, a seemingly fit and healthy 60 years suffered a sudden stroke a few years ago, it was a shock to all of us, particularly as through all her life she has always been, and still is very active. She was very lucky, and came out of the stroke with very little issues, an ideal candidate for this research. We, as her family however didnt let her do a thing. We put the stroke down to her active life, and immediately after the stroke and for months after that we did everything for her; thinking this was the best plan of action. But if this research is proved to be true perhaps she needed to start the rehabilitation straight away. But as caring family you would never dream of letting someone close rehabilitate so quick after something like a stroke, you just feel that protection is the best way to go.

I still feel that I would find it very difficult to let someone close to me start rehabilitating so quickly after a stroke, particular after a first one which scares the life out of everyone, but if this research is proved correct its the best thing to do!

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