Monday, 11 February 2008

New Diabetes therapy could lead to 'cure'

I added a new article on the news section today, taken from BBC News. The article discusses new advances in cell therapy in the treatment of Type 1 diabetes.

There has been a lot of controversy regarding cell therapy, particular stem cell research. But it is quite exciting to have news that treatments involving cell therapy could potentially lead to cures to conditions we never thought possible. I am sure those people suffering with an illness welcome any news of developments that could help create a cure, for themselves or others. Although stem cell research is much more controversial, for the person with the condition, perhaps what the research can offer them far outweighs the morals of the research in the first place. Is it just governments, and pressure groups that are against research of this kind, it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of those with a particular illness.

This particular News article touches on another quite current issue, that of donorship. The procedure discussed uses the cells from a dead donors pancreas. This at a time when donor groups are urging the legislation to be changed so that everyone is a donor, unless they specifically request not to be. Could developments like this add weight to this donor argument?

It does make you think however, if we were all donors, if we did just let scientists do whatever research and experiment they needed to do, what would be the outcomes? How many lives would be saved? how many people would have a better quality of life? How many illnesses would be banished once and for all?

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